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...who am I?

...and who are you? - Big questions that move the universe...


...but I'll try to get a little closer to myself and my life...

... Once upon a time... life's fairytale also began like this, with my birth somewhere in the deepest Black Forest in southern Germany.

At the age of four, I won first prize in a painting competition organised by a drinks company. I coloured a postcard with yellow felt-tip pen strokes, drew two black dots on it and titled my work ‘A lion sneaking in the grass’. Perhaps that was the birth of the artist in me. 


and then let's jump ahead a few decades

... and I'll keep it short ...


Education as a graphic artist, 

Graduate art therapist with 4 years of full-time study at the Free Anthroposophical University Art Study Centre Ottersberg near Bremen/Germany,

Certified Yoga Teacher, Dru-Yoga Snowdonia, Wales GB, International School of Dru Yoga, Registered with Yoga Alliance UK and the Independent Yoga Network (UK). 

Certified experiential educator at EOS-Erlebnispädagogik, Freiburg, Germany

Social therapist

Trainer in Nonviolent Communication (GfK, CNVC) according to M. Rosenberg, International Intensive Training IIT

Course leader of various advanced trainings, workshops and courses in the field of visual arts in Germany and on La Palma, Canary Islands

Freelance artist


... and arrived again in the now...


I live on La Palma and offer all kinds of artistic activities and yoga courses.



... and what inspires me in my work?

There is a lot of depth in this good question!

So, I think what keeps me going, nourishes me and really inspires me in my work is this intangible.

It is the movement, the risk that we take as interested people during the work. An admission, an engagement with the colour, the form, with what is wanted, what seems random and what ultimately happens on the page, what is ultimately real.

It's such a semi-conscious thing. The head is often busy with judgements and evaluations, but what happens anyway is something bigger. "It" does on its own. One's own will, intention, control, can play a part in it and can also achieve some things. But what wants to emerge is bigger, more essential and is real!


In this stage of being creative it happens: you feel that something new is happening, something that happens very easily and playfully, it happens all by itself. You are amazed, you feel invigorated and in most cases there is a sense of happiness and as if you have touched a piece of redemption.


And then, of course, the mind kicks in again. 

Such unstable states massively endanger our need for security! And because the whole thing was semi-conscious, we also forget much of this space we have just experienced. 


But nevertheless, the more we engage with art, the more we practice becoming more familiar and at home in this creative being. To become more courageous. And we succeed more and more often in going there more easily and playfully, in getting involved and dancing with uncertainty.

And to become a creator!


And the role I am allowed to play there, as a companion, guide, explorer of new territory, awakener, makes me deeply happy and makes this work deeply meaningful for me!

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