Draw nude
SUNDAY 18.2.24, 11:00-16:30
On the trail of the human body
We explore the human figure through drawing, looking for form
and harmony
and harmony, light and dark, convex and concave,
static and moving.
And again and again we are faced with the wonder of the divine
harmonious blueprint that is inherent in each of us.
We start with relaxation exercises, get a rough overview of the
a rough overview of the laws of distances and proportions
and proportions and playfully venture into our own translation on our page.
For beginners and advanced students
No previous knowledge required, material is available on site
Participation fee per day: 70,- / 55,- (residents)
both. days: 130,-/ 100,-
incl. all material and modelling costs
German and Spanish
In the Viento del Norte, Puntagorda, La Palma
And on my own behalf: I am still looking for men and women who would like to model for this and upcoming courses, 2 or 4 hours, without much effort, as the positions are often changed. It is also warm. Remuneration for 2 hours: 24€, 4 hours: 48€